Your Problems

If you have any of the following problems, and are not getting well, you should take the test to find out what the cause of your problems may be – Take the Test

  1. Numbness or coldness in the fingers
  2. Numbness or coldness in the toes
  3. Numbness in your fingers or hands when you use your arms over your head
  4. Headache behind your eye
  5. Headache over your eye
  6. Click when you open your jaw
  7. Pain when you open your jaw
  8. Ringing in your ears
  9. After an auto accident trouble with memory
  10. After an auto accident trouble smell or taste
  11. After an auto accident, trouble with calculations or math
  12. After an auto accident you are depressed but do not know why.
  13. Pain in the back of the neck
  14. Pain, numbness or tingling down your arm
  15. Weakness or coldness in your hands or arms
  16. Pain between your shoulder blades
  17. Dizziness when turning your head
  18. Pain when you lean your head forward or backwards
  19. Pain in your arms or neck when you cough or sneeze
  20. Pain, numbness or tingling down your legs
  21. Weakness or coldness in your legs or feet
  22. Pain in your back or legs when you lean forward or backwards
  23. Pain in your back or legs when you cough or sneeze